Cats of Music Education GigBased Learning Cats of Music Education GigBased Learning

The Cats of Music Education Series: John Paynter - Creative Music Mover & Shaker

According to the foreword to a collection of his writings (which Brad thought he owned until he pulled it out to write this post and noticed James Humberstone’s signature inside the front cover - sorry James) which we’ll list below, Paynter directed the Music in Secondary Schools project in the UK from 1973 to 1982.

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Cats of Music Education GigBased Learning Cats of Music Education GigBased Learning

The Cats of Music Education Series: David J Elliott - Music Matters Matters

Now that we’ve started, it seems natural to name this first set of blog posts “The Cats of Music Education”. We want to (re)introduce you to some important music education thinkers that have helped to shape our field and have been influential in the development of our approach. Where possible, we’l try to share videos of them so you we can get a sense of them as “persons” (thanks Dr Elliott).

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