The Cats of Music Education Series: Bennett Reimer - Establishing the Field
Welcome to the Gig Based Learning (GBL) blog. As a first step in our blogging journey, we thought it might be useful to (re)introduce us to one of the founders of modern music education - Bennett Reimer. Here he is in his own words, a 5 minute summary of a longer interview in 2008, just 5 years before his passing. We’ll link to the longer interview below as well as it’s an amazing reading from his autobiography he did for our friend Clint Randles. We hope we’ll have an opportunity to continue to revisit Reimer’s work as we go along. For now, welcome to the blog, and we hope you find some of this as inspiring and/or challenging as we do and that it causes you to actively reflect, leading to reflective action.
Watch the full 30 minute interview
Watch Bennett Reimer read excerpts from his autobiography at MJME
According to the foreword to a collection of his writings (which Brad thought he owned until he pulled it out to write this post and noticed James Humberstone’s signature inside the front cover - sorry James) which we’ll list below, Paynter directed the Music in Secondary Schools project in the UK from 1973 to 1982.
Any one of Lucy Green’s four books on music education would have earned her a place among The Cats of Music Education. This blog explores her origin story and points readers to her most important works.
Christopher Small coined the term “Musicking”. His work on the natures and values of music(s) and education were game changers. Small challenges us to ask the question: “Whose Music Do We Teach, Anyway?”.
We’ve been fortunate to be able to spend some time listening to Prof. Burnard riff in real time on a range of classroom music education topics in recent Zoom symposia and conferences and we are so humbled and inspired by her capacity to articulate the most pressing issues in the most accessible manner.
Thomas A. Regelski is the go-to-guy for legit academic writing. Who else in music education would choose “Tractate on Critical Theory and Praxis” or “Prolegomenon to a praxial philosophy of music and music education” as journal article titles?
Estelle Jorgensen is another titan of our field that we should all know. We think the video above really captures her ‘hipness’ too. Notice how excited she is about a new thing - that’s such a powerful model for us all.
Now that we’ve started, it seems natural to name this first set of blog posts “The Cats of Music Education”. We want to (re)introduce you to some important music education thinkers that have helped to shape our field and have been influential in the development of our approach. Where possible, we’l try to share videos of them so you we can get a sense of them as “persons” (thanks Dr Elliott).
Welcome to the Gig Based Learning (GBL) blog. As a first step in our blogging journey, we thought it might be useful to (re)introduce us to one of the founders of modern music education - Bennett Reimer.
This blog post from the ABC is a great place to see Richard, at large in the community, advocating for a great music education for every child.