The Cats of Music Education Series: Bennett Reimer - Establishing the Field


Welcome to the Gig Based Learning (GBL) blog. As a first step in our blogging journey, we thought it might be useful to (re)introduce us to one of the founders of modern music education - Bennett Reimer. Here he is in his own words, a 5 minute summary of a longer interview in 2008, just 5 years before his passing. We’ll link to the longer interview below as well as it’s an amazing reading from his autobiography he did for our friend Clint Randles. We hope we’ll have an opportunity to continue to revisit Reimer’s work as we go along. For now, welcome to the blog, and we hope you find some of this as inspiring and/or challenging as we do and that it causes you to actively reflect, leading to reflective action.

Watch the full 30 minute interview

Watch Bennett Reimer read excerpts from his autobiography at MJME


The Cats of Music Education Series: David J Elliott - Music Matters Matters