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How are you feeling about what we've covered so far? We hope that by focusing on making this number 101 it gives us a focus rather than that blank page of what are we going to do which often makes us think “oh no, I don't know how to write a song” We also hope that by stacking those different tutorials in the one page there is something that everyone can feel successful at no matter where you're coming from. We're coming from our own different perspectives and like the students they'll be in coming in from anywhere between “I've never recorded a piece of music” to “i've been playing since i was three” So just to have a few different options for them to go “okay there is smart drums but maybe i do want to play something in and then edit go into the piano roll and move things around and play with velocity, do some lassoing” There's a whole world that you can get into and so we hope by now you’ve got a grasp on how to get into the groove on GarageBand for iPad.

See you in the next one.


Editing a Drum Groove


Guided Listening 2