► Learn More About Slide Over Here: https://bit.ly/ipadsl
🎧 Our Choice for Cheap and Nasty Spare Headphones: https://amzn.to/2WNKu1f
📘 Gig Based Learning Gear for the classroom: www.gigbasedlearning.com/gear
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Headphones in the classroom
We also noticed that students had their headphones plugged into their iPad and we would make videos for them with verbal instructions but quickly we realised that they needed to watch the videos on their laptop or on a different device while making music on the iPad. So a long time ago we thought well that's really difficult unless we turn the sound off. So rather than being videos, our tutorials are just really short little animated gifs and we decided that the sound wasn't helpful because they have their headphones plugged into the iPad. So if you're wondering why you can't hear anything you're not supposed to because you've got your headphones plugged into GarageBand on your iPad.
This instructional design took about three years of trial and error. It’s designed in a way to facilitate choice of pace so if you're reading the instructions and you understand it all then there's no compulsion to actually play the videos but they’re there if you need them. Most of these tutorials are about an eight-step affair and there's probably only about two minutes of instruction in total so we wanted to minimise the time spent on instruction and maximise the time spent on creation.
Something that we encourage people to utilise is a three screen approach “The 3SA™”. It’s a bit of an inside joke of ours with the kids but essentially it involves having the instructions for canvas open and in full screen and in the adjacent window you'd have the GarageBand for iPad tutorial. We encourage them to use shortcuts like shift-click to do this quickly. The third screen would be the iPad off to a separate display. In the case that you were doing everything on the iPad then you could get to canvas through a browser or the Canvas app and then use slide over to see the text instructions which is pretty neat. Obviously there are different workflows that people will utilise but we found the 3SA the most efficient.
Slide Over
While we are here let’s go over some slide over features which are unbelievable. You can have multiple apps in slide over view. So, if i was in GarageBand then i'd just swipe up from the dock and drag youtube up and place on top of GarageBand off to the side. I can also drag Safari on top of YouTube. The line down the bottom indicates the swipe area where I can swipe between the apps I've got open and slide over. The line at the top is our handle for moving the window around the screen.
Another reason why we did both text and video was, depending on which device you're using and also depending on your cohort's learning needs, the video versus text argument is taken care of. So if you’re on an iPad the challenge is to get adroit at swiping between GarageBand and the instructions.
That’s the summary on how to use our resources in the most efficient and effective way.